CeDSoFt's blog

lundi, janvier 14, 2008

PhotoBoard 0.4.0 is out

Major changes : loads pictures from the classic photo library, better multi-touch movement algorithm.
See the previous post below for details / video.

Todo in the next version :

  • Keep the full resolution of camera roll's pictures
    That will also be a way to add high resolution pictures to Photoboard since the photo library ones are resized by iTunes
  • Save the Photoboard screenshot
    Allow user to send it by mail, to the camera roll, etc.
  • Enable fullscreen option for picture
  • Enable image deletion
  • ...

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lundi, janvier 07, 2008

PhotoBoard 0.4.0 in progress

PhotoBoard 0.4.0 is currently in progress.

There are two major changes :

  • Pictures can be added via the native photo library (like Photo.app classic)

    It's now easier to add the iTunes synchronized pictures from user albums, camera roll, etc.

    iPod Touch users will appreciate this ;-)

  • Multi-touch algorithm improved (Julian Asamer's algorithm)

    Allows user to zoom and rotate a specific spot of the image. The picture doesn't force to center anymore when zoomed.

    This is the work of Julian Asamer, a young talented iPhone developer who made Fractalicious.

  • Other changes : Keep ratio aspect (no more distorted pictures), quicker loading time, optimization of memory usage, etc.
There are still some tests and fixes before a public release but this version should be available this week.

Video preview:

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